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The True History of Chocolate(3rd Edition)
by Sophie Dobzhansky Coe, Michael D. Coe
Paperback, 280 Pages, Published 2013 by Thames & Hudson
ISBN-13: 978-0-500-29068-2, ISBN: 0-500-29068-7

"“A beautifully written . . . and illustrated history of the Food of the Gods, from the Olmecs to present-day developments.”—Chocolatier This delightful tale of one of the world’s favorite foods draws on botany, archaeology, and culinary history to present a complete and accurate history of chocolate. It begins some 4,000 years ago in the jungles of Mexico and Central America with the chocolate tree, Theobroma Cacao, and the complex pro ..."

The True History of Chocolate(2nd Edition)
(Second Edition)
by Sophie Dobzhansky Coe, Michael D. Coe
Paperback, 288 Pages, Published 2007 by Thames & Hudson
ISBN-13: 978-0-500-28696-8, ISBN: 0-500-28696-5

""A beautifully written...and illustrated history of the Food of the Gods, from Olmecs to present-day developments."—Chocolatier. This delightful and best-selling tale of one of the world's favorite foods draws upon botany, archaeology, and culinary history to present a complete and accurate history of chocolate. The story begins some 3,000 years ago in the jungles of Mexico and Central America with the chocolate tree, Theobroma Cacao, ..."

The True History of Chocolate(1st Edition)
by Michael D. Coe, Sophie Dobzhansky Coe
Hardcover, 280 Pages, Published 1996 by Thames & Hudson
ISBN-13: 978-0-500-01693-0, ISBN: 0-500-01693-3

"This tale of one of the world's favourite foods draws upon botany, archaeology, socio-economics and culinary history to present a complete history of chocolate. The story begins some 3000 years ago in the jungles of Mexico and Central America with the tree "Theobroma cacao" and the complex processes necessary to transform its bitter seeds into chocolate. This was centuries before chocolate was consumed, traded and used as currency by th ..."

America's First Cuisines(1st Edition)
by Sophie Dobzhansky Coe, Sophia Coe
Paperback, 288 Pages, Published 1994 by University Of Texas Press
ISBN-13: 978-0-292-71159-4, ISBN: 0-292-71159-X

"After long weeks of boring, perhaps spoiled sea rations, one of the first things Spaniards sought in the New World undoubtedly was fresh food. Probably they found the local cuisine strange at first, but soon they were sending American plants and animals around the world, eventually enriching the cuisine of many cultures. Drawing on original accounts by Europeans and native Americans, this pioneering work offers the first detailed descri ..."

Cikolatanin Gercek Tarihi
by Sophie Dobzhansky Coe, Michael D. Coe, Ayşe Öztek
Paperback, 333 Pages, Published 2010 by Ayrinti Yayinlari
ISBN-13: 978-975-539-461-9, ISBN: 975-539-461-3

"Çikolatanın çağlara ve kıtalara yayılan renkli hikyesinin sayfalarını çevirirken eğlenceli anekdotlar, çeşitli kültürlerden kakao ve her türlü yan ürünüyle ilgili tarifler, ritüeller, detlerle karşılaşacaksınız. Afrodizyaktan antidepresana, bağımlılık yaratmasından mutluluk ve neşe vermeye, kalp ve bilimum organlarda yarattığı rahatsızlıklara kadar etkileriyle ilgili doğru/yanlış birçok inancı da bulacaksınız."

by Sophie Dobzhansky Coe, Michael D. Coe
312 Pages, Published 2001
ISBN-13: 978-957-744-468-4, ISBN: 957-744-468-7

historie sladkého tajemství
by Sophie Dobzhansky Coe, Michael D. Coe
263 Pages, Published 2000 by Dobré Knihy Cz
ISBN-13: 978-80-7205-478-7, ISBN: 80-7205-478-3

Die wahre Geschichte der Schokolade(1st Edition)
by Michael D. Coe, Sophie Dobzhansky Coe
Hardcover, 352 Pages, Published 1997 by S. Fischer
ISBN-13: 978-3-10-072706-0, ISBN: 3-10-072706-1

"Die wahre Geschichte der Schokolade [Jan 01, 1997] Coe, Sophie D. und Coe, Michael D. ..."

ChokoreÌ"to no rekishi
by Sophie Dobzhansky Coe, Michael D. Coe, Yukiko Higuchi, ソフィー・D. コウ, マイケル・D. コウ
Hardcover, 395 Pages, Published 1999 by Unknown
ISBN-13: 978-4-309-22345-2, ISBN: 4-309-22345-1

"「神々の食物」の味わい深い文化史。謎の多い植物カカオ、マヤ・アステカの宗教儀式の象徴、香料、薬効、媚薬、滋養、催淫、そして貴族の飲み物から大衆化に至る壮大な物語 ..."

The True History of Chocolate(4th Edition)
by Sophie D. Coe , Professor Michael D. Coe
Paperback, 280 Pages, Published 2019 by Thames And Hudson Ltd
ISBN-13: 978-0-500-29474-1, ISBN: 0-500-29474-7

All Authors

Sophie Dobzhansky Coe

Michael Coe

Sophia Coe

Ayşe Öztek

ソフィー・D コウ

Yukiko Higuchi

マイケル・D コウ

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